last amended on 02/10/2022
Membership shall be open on a volunteer basis to all concerned individuals regardless of citizenship, sex, disability, nationality, race, religion, sexual orientation, or age, if at least 16 years of age. Members must reside on the Northwest Side of Chicago (north of Grand and west of Pulaski), or otherwise have a demonstrable tie to United Northwest Side, as determined by the Executive Committee.
Voting Rights:
A voting member of United Northwest Side will have voting rights at general membership meetings. A voting member is defined as someone who has paid their annual dues, started paying dues in recurring monthly payments, or been granted a Dues Waiver, and remains in good standing. New members receive voting rights starting 15 days after first payment of their dues. Members are in good standing if they are current on dues, and they have either completed four service hours within the prescribed New Member Service Period or they are currently working on completing their service hours within the New Member Service Period. Members who renew their membership are required to complete four service hours within twelve months of membership renewal.
The New Member Service Period is defined as: (1) November 1, 2021, for members who paid annual dues or were granted a Dues Waiver on or before May 1, 2021 or (2) within six months of full payment of dues for members who paid annual dues after May 1, 2021.
Members who are not in good standing, but complete their service requirement outside of the New Member Service Period shall have full voting rights from the time they complete four hours of service. Those renewing their dues, including those whose dues have elapsed, shall have full voting rights from the time of payment of their dues.
Members are expected to contribute financially to the organization, if at all possible. Membership dues are collected from members once per calendar year. Membership dues are: $60/year for an individual and $100/year for a family (two voting members). Members who cannot pay dues because of financial hardship can still become voting members by applying for a yearly Dues Waiver from the Executive Committee and completing the four hours of service within 6 months of the granting of this waiver for new members, and within twelve months of granting of this waiver for continuing members.
Service will include, but not be limited to: canvassing, outreach, providing services (i.e graphic design, sponsoring purchases of materials, donations of food for events), fundraising, and phone banking. Other service contributions can be approved by a member of the Executive Committee. Service hours for new and continuing members will be reported to membership by the Membership Director through a Quarterly Service Hours update, and reviewed by the Executive Committee. All members agree to submit service hours in a timely manner, with sufficient details, to the Membership Director.
Application and Acceptance: The names of individuals applying for first-time membership will be reported to the Executive Committee by the Membership Director for review and approval. Membership will normally be granted, unless at least two Executive Committee members challenge the compatibility of an applicant with the mission of the organization, as defined in its mission statement. In such case, the Executive Committee members will vote as to acceptance of the application. Upon approval, new members will be introduced at the next scheduled General Membership meeting.
Members may run for an office on the Executive Committee after having been an active member of United Northwest Side for at least one year. This rule may be waived for a particular set of elections by majority vote of the Executive Committee and majority vote of the following membership meeting.
Revocation of Membership: If two-thirds of the membership of United Northwest Side sign a petition calling for the revocation of an individual’s membership, or if a simple majority of the Executive Committee members vote to the same effect, then the member in question is proscribed of voting rights, and forfeits whatever dues already paid. They will be disallowed from participating in any committees, meetings, caucuses etc.
Elected Officers
Elected officers shall serve an initial term of six months following the incorporation of the organization, following which each elected officer shall serve a term of one year. Following each one year term if an elected officer is not re-elected or chooses not to run, that officer shall have the option to continue in an emeritus role to provide support in an advisory and non-voting capacity.
Shall convene and facilitate Executive Committee and Membership meetings.
Shall serve as an ex-officio member of all committees.
Shall report Executive Committee decisions at Membership meetings.
Shall be the principal spokesperson for the organization
Four Program Directors:
Roles and expectations of directors will be outlined prior to elections, and job descriptions will be available on the website
Membership and Fundraising
Shall give one-week notice of Membership meetings, and at least 48 hours notice of any special meeting.
Shall record all proceedings at Membership and Executive Committee meetings and maintain all records.
Shall send summary of minutes of each Membership meeting to all members, normally with notice of the following meeting.
May appoint an Assistant Secretary to help in the accomplishment of these duties.
Shall have custody of the funds and other properties of the organization.
Shall keep the financial records of the organization.
Shall submit all necessary reports to regulatory entities.
Shall disburse the funds as directed by the Executive Committee, Chariperson, or other person designated by the Executive Committee.
Shall submit written reports to the Executive Committee upon request. These reports will be available to any member upon request.
Up to Three Executive Committee Members at Large:
Shall fully participate in Executive Committee meetings.
Shall help ensure that all members of the organization are well-represented in the leadership of United Northwest Side.
Shall carry out other duties as directed by the Executive Committee and the membership. Project assignments will be available on the website.
Each of the following official meetings shall be conducted with members in formal recurring or ad-hoc roles including facilitator, note-taker, timekeeper, stack-keeper, etc. Members must move for and receive a second for the group to vote on any taking action. The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order may be chosen to govern our meetings in all cases in which the rules are applicable and not in conflict with these Bylaws.
Executive Committee:
Shall meet at least monthly.
A quorum shall consist of a simple majority of its members.
Decisions will be made by a simple majority vote of those Executive Committee members present, unless specified otherwise elsewhere in the bylaws.
Normally shall meet monthly, unless special circumstances arise, in which case a majority vote of all Executive Committee members may allow a one-month delay in the meeting, or may allow the scheduling of an additional membership meeting to conduct urgent business requiring membership approval.
Decisions will be made by a simple majority vote of those members present, unless specified otherwise elsewhere in the bylaws.
Upon request of two members, a vote will be held by secret ballot.
Any decisions of the Executive Committee may be overruled by a simple majority vote of a membership meeting where quorum is met,
One-third of voting members (as outlined in Membership, section B. Voting Rights) will constitute a quorum for general membership meetings. If a meeting does not reach quorum, any new business that requires a vote must be delayed until a subsequent meeting takes place and quorum is met.
Conventions of United Northwest Side shall be held annually to:
Outline the organization’s goals and objectives for the coming year.
Elect new officers by secret ballot.
Educate the members and interested observers on issues of concern to the community.
Endorsement Sessions: Meetings of pre-selected members and officers to evaluate and decide upon the endorsement of candidates.
Candidates will be invited by Chairperson.
Session will be led by members, and focus on various aspects of potential endorsees’ campaign plans, platforms, and what resources they plan to bring to bear in a given election
Membership caucuses from specific ward or geographical areas may exist and make recommendations to the Executive Committee and the membership as a whole on items specifically affecting their area. The Executive Committee shall have the power to recognize such caucuses.
Election of Officers
Following a one-week notice, nominations for officers of United Northwest Side will be taken at the last regular membership meeting prior to the annual convention. Additional nominations may be taken at the convention and shared amongst members at the convention before voting.
Ballots will contain the names of those nominated in advance as well as space to write in the names of candidates nominated at the convention. Ballot order will be determined by random lottery. Members may vote for as many candidates as there are offices.
The Executive Committee may decide to recommend a slate for election from among those nominated in advance.
Such a slate should take into consideration a proper balance representative of the organization and the community, the ability of the individuals to work together as a collective, a balance of the skills and experience necessary for the leadership of the organization, and a fair geographical representation.
The membership may be advised of the Executive Committee’s recommendation through a mailing. Such a mailing shall also include the names of all those nominated in advance, the names of the current Executive Committee, and brief written statements from any candidates who wish to include them.
No notices advocating any candidates, including the recommended slate, shall be posted or distributed at the convention hall.
Ballots will be counted by an election committee of five members selected at the previous membership meeting. None of these members may be candidates for office. Those candidates receiving the most votes shall be declared the winners. In case of a tie, a run-off election shall be held at the next membership meeting.
A vacancy in an elected office shall be filled by the same process as normal elections, except that nominations and elections shall be held at successive regular membership meetings following one-week notice. Temporary replacements may be appointed for the interim by the Executive Committee.
Removal of Officers
If one-fourth of the membership of United Northwest Side sign a petition calling for the removal of an elected officer, or if two-thirds of the Executive Committee members vote to the same effect, then following a one-week notice, a secret ballot vote on the removal will be held at the next membership meeting. A simple majority vote of those members voting will be required to remove the individual from office.
Adoption, Amendments
These bylaws shall be adopted by a simple majority vote of members at a regular membership meeting, following a one-week notice to all members, including a copy of these bylaws. The bylaws will be in force the day following adoption.
If one-fourth of the members at a membership meeting vote in favor of proposing an amendment, or a majority of Executive Committee members at an Executive Committee meeting vote to the same effect, then the proposed amendment will be sent to the members with notice of the next meeting. The amendment shall be adopted by majority vote at the next meeting.