United Northwest Side is an independent political organization on the city’s far Northwest Side–in the 45th Ward and beyond. As such, we are writing here to formally document our demands on the proposed 4415 N. Milwaukee Ave. development in the 45th Ward. On May 24, 2022, the City Council Committee on Zoning, Landmarks & Building Standards will vote on ordinance No. 21017T1. This ordinance would change zoning from a Community Shopping District to a Neighborhood Mixed-Use District in order to allow for the construction of a four-story, twenty-four dwelling unit, mixed-use building with twenty-four parking spaces, and is being requested on behalf of First Western Properties.
We welcome this zoning change, but strongly reject the development plan that was proposed by First Western Properties at a public virtual meeting on March 11, 2022. We demand the following to ensure more affordable housing in the 45th Ward and to chip away at more than a century of housing segregation in Chicago.
The development must include five affordable housing units on-site, instead of the planned three units, per the City’s Affordable Requirements Ordinance (ARO) that 20 percent of units should be designated as affordable housing. These units must be offered at reduced rents to households earning no more than 60 percent of the area median income. Officially designating these units will guarantee long-term affordable housing for our community as units built under the ARO are required to remain affordable for a period of 30 years.
We suggest a provision for bicycle parking and a reduction in vehicle parking. This will help lower overall development costs, in turn lowering rent.
We urge the developer and Alderman Gardiner to work closely with neighboring businesses and residents who will be impacted by this development and to address their concerns.
Lastly, we ask to be invited to participate in any future community and business group meetings related to this development, whether facilitated by the developer or Alderman Gardiner, in order to stay informed about the development, and to voice any ongoing concerns of our members and supporters.
While we generally support a development like this at this location, we urge the City Council Zoning Committee to vote NO on any rezoning or development plans for 4415 N. Milwaukee Ave. until the demands highlighted above are met. Waiting lists for new affordable developments on the Northwest Side continue to number in the hundreds, indicating demand far outstrips supply. The committee must not allow developer and aldermanic prerogative to exclude working-class neighbors from our communities and maintain historic segregation. Every new development in Chicago must be aimed toward securing long-term housing stability and affordability.
– United Northwest Side Executive Committee